Tridoshic Ayurveda
Thank you for checking out Tridoshic! Overall, Tridoshic offer services in four domains:
Ayurveda is all about learning how to give oneself what they need to feel nourished, energized and strong. Through the science of Ayurveda, a practitioner determine one's inherit constitution and present imbalances, and recommends precise measures to help achieve balance. Common Ayurvedic remedies include dietary changes, specific home-care, lifestyle adjustments, herbal protocols, bodily treatments, as well as spiritual and contemplative practices.
Jyotish is commonly referred to as Vedic, Eastern, or Indian Astrology. Jyotish utilizes the sidereal system, which provides a more accurate chart than the tropical system, mapping the planets and stars true positions at the moment of your birth. A Jyotish reading explains one's karmic makeup, and sheds light on the themes, conflicts, and propensities that characterize your life. Through gaining a better understanding of one's self, one can gain the strength to overcome hardships and make the most of one's life.
Massage is the primary form of touch therapy practiced today. This remarkable form of palliative and preventative care has the potential to heal both the body and the mind. Our massage treatments are specifically catered to each clients needs and chief complaints, and can provide the opportunity to learn more about our Ayurveda, Jyotish, and Yoga offerings while receiving a nourishing treatment.
Our Ayurvedically inspired Yoga therapy considers not only the muscles and connective tissues to achieve physical alignment and increased flexibility, but also one's greater tissue systems, doshas, environmental influences, and subtle energetic and spiritual needs in order to tailor a practice that best suits you.