Vedic astrology is recognized as one of the most accurate predictive systems, notable for delineating specific events in our lives in a stunningly precise manner. Yet, at the same time, Vedic astrology is admired as one of the most spiritual and insightful forms of discipline with its deep understanding of the law of karma and
its many tools for connecting us with our higher Self.
Dr. David Frawley
Tridoshic Jyotisha
Jyotisha is the traditional astrological system from India. Like Ayurveda, it has been practiced and perfected for thousands of years.
Jyotisha works by analyzing the placement of the planets and stars at the moment of a person's birth. This specific astrological configuration creates their personal life-map and can illuminate many of the themes and events that characterize someone's journey through life.
A reading provides the opportunity to perceive and understand personal hidden truths, and can help answer important questions to give guidance in navigating through challenging situations. Most of all, Jyotisha helps a person to accept who they are and embrace who they are destined to become.